The curved dagger is a distinguishing feature of the Omani personality as well as an important symbol of male elegance. It is traditionally worn at the waist. The shape of the khan jar is always the same and is characterized by the curve of the blade and by the near right- angle bend of the sheath. Sheaths may vary from simple covers to ornate silver or gold-decorated pieces of great beauty and delicacy. In the past the silver khan jars were made by melting down Marie Theresa silver coins.
Dagger is a fighting weapon with a very sharp point designed or capable of being used as thrusting or stabbing.
Also,dagger has different types of khan jars are named after the regions in which they are made and vary according to size, shape, type of metal and the overlay. The top of the handle of the most usual khan jar is flat but the "Saidi" type, which takes its name from the Ruling Family, has an ornate cross- shaped top.
An a addition,the Khan jar is a ceremonial curved dagger that is a symbol of male elegance and are worn at formal events and holidays.
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