Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Oman outfit developer
Omani outfit now is a most developer than before as have several colors and beautiful patterns with new style to distinguish it form the old Omani outfit enters sew in chiffon and velvet and zari and some roses.
sur outfit
A varied fashion in the easten region of the images on the coast to heal on the inside, and the most important fashion what is know ( Balqubah) is alight cloth woven from yarns albraism (silk or nylon) and often have to be black or red or pink or blue and embroidered with carvings beautiful decorated. In the picture will be a dress for three slots wide range of hands and the possibility of wearing down easily, and embroidered front and back. In the Ibra,women put on her head(cup) and black color is usually made of light cloth, worn as a trinket Alakam of silver or gold in the form of plates and reached. The other piece is above the head (Alliso). The shorts manual contains the embroudery yarn Badi using silver or gold, and the most stitched in the sirwal called shorts(Nakech) ,and women compete in the work nakech and women know the most creative in the arts and the types of engraving nakash.
Gulf outfit

Aldraah is the type of women's clothing gulf are traditional clothes or dresses worn under the outer robe known balsoub,and know the dresses in the gulf as"Darraa". Adress is widespread among women in the gulf and worn alone or with dressess as it works from different types of fabrics in order to spread and frequent use. it is of silk,cotton, wool and linen fabrics and industrial colored ones and gentlemen and some of them heavily embroidered as only embroidery around the neck edge and in others.in terms of the length they are all long and descend to earth.
Dhofar outfit
Featuring women's dress dhofar balsoub which is broad and be a little long in the back and a little shorter than the front and covers the knee,so called (abu tail). It is usually decorated with reliefs of various kinds,such as zari folk or lobes diamond cloth. And be in several forms, including; Aldpj butter and other velvet and comes in several colors and beautiful formations. Head cover (sheila) consists of a piece of cloth hanging down to below the chest and is made up of several colors. The trappings of several converging with the dress and they are usually; folk or lobes, and forms abeautiful stretch of the beholder and the elegance of a homogeneous with the dress.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
baluchi outfit

women wear a long shift (pashk) reaching to the ankles, with a wrap used ti cover the head, shoulders, and upper body. The wearing of trousers under the shift has been restricted to women of high status. Bright colors are usually a voided ., but scarlet is popularcamong girls of marriageable age. Widows wear black.Women wear an assortment of jewelry, including rings(nose rings,earrings,rings on fingers and toes),necklaces, bracelets,and hair ornaments. Jewelry is made of gold or silver,depending on what a person can affordn

Friday, April 4, 2014

The curved dagger is a distinguishing feature of the Omani personality as well as an important symbol of male elegance. It is traditionally worn at the waist. The shape of the khan jar is always the same and is characterized by the curve of the blade and by the near right- angle bend of the sheath. Sheaths may vary from simple covers to ornate silver or gold-decorated pieces of great beauty and delicacy. In the past the silver khan jars were made by melting down Marie Theresa silver coins.
Dagger is a fighting weapon with a very sharp point designed or capable of being used as thrusting or stabbing.
Also,dagger has different types of khan jars are named after the regions in which they are made and vary according to size, shape, type of metal and the overlay. The top of the handle of the most usual khan jar is flat but the "Saidi" type, which takes its name from the Ruling Family, has an ornate cross- shaped top.
An a addition,the Khan jar is a ceremonial curved dagger that is a symbol of male elegance and are worn at formal events and holidays.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Omani outfit for man

The national dress for omani men is a simple, ankle-length, collarless gown with long sleeves called the dishdasha. The colour most frequently worn is withe, a lthough a variety of other colour such as black, blue, brown,and lilac can also be seen. It's main adornment is a tassel ( furakha) sewn in to the neackline,which can be impregnated with perfume. Underneath the dishdasha, a plain piece of cloth covering the boy is worn from the waist down. Omani men may wear a variety of head dresses. The muzzar is a square of finely woren woollen or cotton fabric, wrapped and folded in to a turban. Underneath this,the kummar,an intricately embroidered cap,is some thing worn. The shal, a long strip of cloth acting as a holder for the khan jar ( a silver, hand crafted knife or dagger) may be made from the same material as the muzzar. Alternatively, the holder may be fashioned in the form of abelt made from leather and silver,which is called asapten.On formal occasions, the dishdasha may be covered by a black or beige cloak, called a bisht. The embrbidery edging the cloak is often in silver or gold thread and it is intricate in detail. Some men carry the assa, astrick,which can have practical uses or is simply used as an accessary during formal events. Omani men, on the whole wear standals on their feet.
Omani outfit for old women
omani women have colorful costumes which vary from region toregion. The main components of a womans outfit comprise of a dress which is worn over trousers(sirwal) and the head dress called the lihaf(woman dress). There are numerous traditional styles of Omani costume seen in Muscat. However, there are three main types which show vibrant colors, enbroidery and decorations. One style costumer is rather flowing and resembles that worn by the women of the interior, while anther is decorated with distinctive silver bands. The embroidery on these a derss can take a round two months to complete.
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